

Alameen Here 👋

A Lead Developer
Currently leading development
@Moonline Travel LTD.

Hi there! 😁✌

My name is Alameen Azad. I design & build websites + chatbots.

Developing for 5 years, I have been fortunate to work closely with business developers, designers, CEOs, and startups. I have gained the experience from observing how products develop within the company's infrastructre and polocies.

At Moonline, I strive to automate as much as possible of employees work so they can focus on whats important and thus increase sales. At the same time maintaining an online brand presence well known to customers.

I am a LAMP Developer. Very comfortable with working under different environments and CMS. Developed APIs, internal company products, online presence, and chatbots
for customer support and sales.


Blood line


booking advisor

Password Encryption

The rest :)

Contact me

I am always happy to hear from you!
contact me through the channels below.